Eden by Olympia Vernon
This story is told by 14 year old Maddy Dangerfield in the rural black community of Pyke
County, Miss. She is sent to take of her aunt pip who is dying from breast cancer. Her mother is Faye Dangerfield who works
as a maid for every white family in the county, but all her money goes to to her husband paying off his gambling debt. Her
father Chevrolet is a compulsive gambler and womanizer who had sex with his sister in law. The novel deals with disease, racism
and sexuality. This book was different from anything that I have ever read. Olympia Vernon is a remarkable writer. I am looking
forward to reading more from her. On a scale of 1-5, I give it a 4.0
Review given by Sherita Nunn
Pick-Up Lines--A Novel by Michael T. Owens
"Pick-Up Lines" is a great novel. The title is somewhat deceiving. The title and the book
cover led me to believe it was just a book of lines guys use to pick up girls. I'm glad I read the book and did not judge
by it's title. It's actually a good book. Since I consider Atlanta my second home (I visit the city often, and would
to relocate there), I liked the fact the characters were from Atlanta. I could relate to the characters better because of
that. It's a boy meets girl story with a dramatic, humorous, hip hop twist to it. Michael T. Owens is a great new author.
I look forward to reading other books by Michael.
On a scale of 1 - 5, I give " Pick-Up Line" a 3.5
Review given by Collean
Windy City Dying
I will keep this short and sweet. The book was very interesting. This is my first time
reading one of her books, but it held my interest--I only had one slight problem reading and that is with the character--Lashawna---I
could not figure her part out in the book. On a scale of 1--5 I give the book a 3.0.
Review given by Vanessa
Chocalate Ship by Marissa Monteilh
This book is full of Infidelity, backstabbing and drama!! (My type of book). The main character
of the book "Mia" was stupid at times and her boyfriend Miles was a jerk. The person I truly disliked the most was Winter-the
cruise director. The captain of the ship and the owner of the cruise line--well--I don't know about them just yet. One of
the downfalls about the book was how the author talked about what type of clothing everyone wore (which doesn't matter)
and there were also a lots and lots of characters to keep up with. Overall the book was pretty good to me. If this is what
is expected on a cruise you can count me in. On a scale of 1 - 5 I will give the book a 4.5.
Review given by Sherita
I Got Jokes and Anecdotes by John Pechacek
Have you ever just sat around and observed things and went "Hmmm"? I believe that is what Mr.
Pechacek did when writing this book. I finished this book in one sitting. I really enjoyed the jokes
and some of the sayings. My favorites were 'Shake It' and 'We All Got One'. If you want a good laugh I highly recommend this
book. It kept me laughing and wondering the whole time I was reading it. It just goes to show you that the positive outweighs
the negative. On a scale of 1 - 5, I give it a 4.5----- Mr. Pechacek is a freelance sportswriter who has written for
various newspapers in the Chicagoland area.
Use Me Or Lose Me by Maryann Reid
This was a very interesting love story. Farah
Washington and Lenox Whitworth are both using each other--Farah climbing the ladder to success on her job and Lenox
using her to compliment him. While playing this game they both fall in love, but fell to admit that each other.
My favorite character was Farah Washington--news
anchor---wanting to be the star of a very popular news show. She was very strong and independent, but had problems with
keeping a man.
Every woman would love Lenox--he is tall, dark and
handsome and very rich--a charmer and smooth operator with the women.
I like the book and out 1 to 5--rate it 3.5 .
The only thing I would change is Farah getting revenge on Ms. Myers--Lenox's aunt.
Review given by Vanessa Cofield